Viewing lipid *PG (*phosphoglycerol )

Name *phosphoglycerol
Shorthand *PG
Pubchem -

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Martini Gromacs
*PG (*phosphoglycerol )

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Lipid *PG *phosphoglycerol
Forcefield Martini
Code Gromacs
Authors Baoukina S, Monticelli L, Amrein M, and Tieleman DP.
Licence Public Domain Open Knowledge
Creation date 26 Aug 2009
ITP from Luca Monticelli adding parameters for *PG lipids.  [read more]

Bondini Gromacs
*PG (*phosphoglycerol )

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Lipid *PG *phosphoglycerol
Forcefield Bondini
Code Gromacs
Authors Scott KA, Bond PJ, Ivetac A, Chetwynd AP, Khalid S, and Sansom MS.
Licence Public Domain Open Knowledge
Creation date 26 Aug 2009
ITP for PG lipids used in Bondini (a coarse grained force field based on SJ Marrink's lipid CG force field (later developed into MARTINI), which includes CG particles for amino acids, including an Nm type to give the backbone residues appropriate hydrophilicity) [read more]

Martini Gromacs
*PG (*phosphoglycerol )

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Lipid *PG *phosphoglycerol
Forcefield Martini
Code Gromacs
Authors -
Licence Public Domain Open Knowledge
Creation date 26 Aug 2009
ITP file for *PG lipids based on a port of Scott parameters from Bondini [read more]